Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Heart Gold Rom Cydia Source

few things I've learned

said the other day to a questionnaire sent to me by Peter Domene critic and writer for the magazine Cuadernos del Sur . The first question was, more or less, how I learned in these years I've been writing. Long replied, laconically, as literary and personal. Interview hang here when published, but now that I'm finishing a new novel, and that ten years ago, right around this time, was rolled up to the elbows writing The key Pinner, it is true that I asked myself more than one time if I learned anything during this time. The fact is that sometimes when they contact me writers who have published or are about to do and ask me for advice to tackle a novel, publish, whether it is worthwhile contests. Things like that. Some people want to know my views on these matters never will only produce confusion. Maybe it is that I'm getting old ... But I guess it is worth putting here what I think about a few things that have to do with the work of writer, more or less.

goes without saying that not advice. Those who know me know I am not given to giving. Think aloud. Simply. Nobody is forced to read them. Some things I knew or guessed when I started writing. I have been discovering other gradually.

The first thing you should know, I think, and perhaps the main thing is that writing is not important. I mean that in life there are things more important. Not just to believe those writers who claim to write for them is everything, it's the best thing to do in life. Sometimes it is the readers who you say it, believe you are praising. To remove iron to the question I always say, and readers of this blog know that one of the things I like about this job is that you can work barefoot. Writing is fine, of course, if your vocation, and even then sometimes you end a page becomes a torture, but I do not think a trade is more important than the street sweeper electrician or plumber. And I really mean it. But, for better or for worse, the writer is a very prestigious profession socially. Y a mí eso siempre me inquieta un poco. Sé que al entrar en este blog (y supongo que quienes suelen visitarlo son mis lectores) a algunos les puede parecer lo contrario, pero, si soy sincero, que cuando te encuentras con tus amigos tarde o temprano tu trabajo acabe siendo el centro de la conversación me desagrada bastante. Y con quienes no son tus amigos, también. Son momentos incómodos. Si no hablas de tu trabajo puedes parecer antipático o distante y, si lo haces, porque es lo que se espera de ti o porque la conversación se dirige hacia esos asuntos aunque no quieras, es difícil no quedar como un engreído o un idiota.

En fin. Puede que escribir sea importante. Pero no hay que darle importancia.

Another issue inherent to the profession of writer is the uncertainty. Uncertainty about the past, present and future. You're never sure if what you have written or published actually worth or could have done better if, instead of publishing it in this editorial that instead of or filed with the award in that other place would have been more or fewer readers. When you're working on a novel is impossible to know if anyone would like, first to a publisher, then to the readers. So I think it's best to never think about it, do not let your condition or that you direct. Do what you think fit because, after all, one of the best things about this work is that while you're writing, you are solely responsible for what happens in the pages of your book. Not bad to listen to others, but not much. You know that the opinions are like assholes. Each has his ... I usually leave the original in my books a few very trusted people to give me his opinion. But I never do, if ever, until I finished the story as I thought I should finish it. I will always be indebted to those who read my manuscript, because one of the most tedious things I can think of is having to read the draft of another writer. And I admire and sympathize with the editors about it. Oh and one more thing on this question: if possible, it is better never to ask the opinion of a writer or a critic of what you have written. The authors, as a rule, we have the twisted tusk and we are too conditioned by our own writing. The best will always be an average reader, to tell you if he liked, if it has gone well or is tired or has not even been able to pass on the third page. That will always be better than giving your book to any bitter with the desk drawer full of unpublished novels because the publishing market, so unfair to them and so generous to those who publish without deserving it, ignore them. Someone like that can only make you yawn with a roll of subordinate clauses or the desirability of a dozen far-fetched adjectives in each sentence.

I think I have been many things to write. But today is fine. The best will be a second installment on this issue. We'll see.

© Andrés Pérez Domínguez, March 2011

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"Oncinha, Cade você?"

Carolina Vital

has ended Carnival in Rio and after weeks of joy - yes, weeks, because Carnival has long lasted only four days -, Cariocas have finally returned to their routines .... It is always a

nostalgia ... people remember that animated conversation with Elvis Presley in line at the bathroom of that cigarette asked Jack Sparrow , beer shared with Frida Kahlo , dancing with 007 these characters as friends, so close but so unknown! Often reach beyond the memories, we miss a kiss, given or dreamed, never mind, it was Carnival.

Anyway, nobody is going through your head to ask someone their name. But of course, not necessary, as we know, is called Shrek , Sharapova, Chinese , Dancer! And at dawn the day you realize that does not know his great friend, a person who has brought so much joy to your life loved it somehow. Sad ..., right? No! Carnival ends but the creativity is.

This year Lucy in the sky with diamonds had the bright idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a blog Oncinha, Cade você? (*) to try to find a boy, wearing a headband patterned like the skin of Oz, one of the blocos (**) that she had gone. In addition to its own history, she publishes texts sent by individuals who are looking for someone like her. The idea has been very successful, has brought hopes of many people, meeting some very interesting and now you can read there a few funny stories in the past Carnival. Long Live Lucy!

(*) Oncinha is short for ounce, wild animal like leopard. In this case we speak of a Carnival costume. Cade você? means "Where are you?
(**) Bloc is the way people are grouped into the streets to celebrate Carnival.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Type Of Plastic Braking Boards

Carnival, film, and I

Laura Freitas

The float
The last Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, the samba school União da Ilha paid tribute to Charles Darwin. The escola recalled his work on the origin of species and included a float with a giant turtle which explained the importance of the Odyssey Galapagos naturalist.

The Latin American Film Festival (Cinesur), vi How far! , a film directed by Tania Hermida Ecuador, which has the unique path of two girls: a English tourist and a student from Ecuador, from Quito to Cuenca, where the route is known, among them, as well as Ecuador, its people and scenery with mountains, volcanoes, beaches and villages. A country so rich in contradictions, landscapes and colors, like all South American countries.

The Cervantes Institute, I met (and fell in love) of the richness and diversity of "universal English" - the values, cultures, peoples of the countries that speak English. What a great wealth!

Each is unique and Hispanic city owns many treasures to discover there to walk with the protection of indigenous gods. Perhaps

African heritage in my country help me, I do not know, but, without modesty, I say that these gods protect me in my nice trip. The movie I

opened his eyes to travel to Ecuador, the samba school Carnival also reminded me of Darwin, the Galapagos conquered scientists, biologists, historians and the student who speaks English, from Quito, Cuenca and Guayaquil through, I Galapagos.

To the Point: Galapagos

Santa Cruz Island
The archipelago is 972 km from the continent. Are fourteen and twenty islands and islets Heritage Site since 1978, since it has unique flora and fauna in the world.

I stayed on the island of Santa Cruz, the principal and where Charles Darwin Station, the center of study and protection of species and vegetation around the islands. The station is a living laboratory of evolution.

In Santa Cruz there are beautiful white sand beaches, lush vegetation, trade and exotic species that are impressive: thousands of giant tortoises, iguanas, sea lions, dolphins, fish, birds ...

Laura and turtle
The guides are well prepared, explaining the wonders and prevent the tourists (living predators by nature) damage to the species. You have to admire them at close range, but quietly, without touching, without feeding them and respecting them.

must protect the ecosystem and ecological processes of book development. We must preserve this paradise on earth.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Can Pilates Help Shape Legs

Twenty years is nothing

Last week my nephew turned twenty, and when I look back I have no choice to admit that for me is as if no time had passed. It happens with almost anything. I look back and I remember things nearly four decades ago, and it's weird because I still think that even I have the same age when my nephew was born, about the same as it is now, the day he took his grandmother My mother, to the hospital because her mother, my sister had gone into labor. It seems like yesterday when he was born, but my nephew is now a guitar virtuoso, has an earring, and reluctantly asked me permission to smoke when I'm ahead, out of respect or custom. How strange it all is, I said the other day, my nephew, because for me it is as if no time had passed, and sometimes I have to pinch to remind me that I'm not a kid, that I'll never be. And I'm not sure I learned many things or what they call having reached maturity, which is supposed to have, or should have, and adults. Perhaps the passage of time all it means is that every time we have more responsibilities, life is complicated but do not want, because you have to take over. Or maybe a birthday desprendiéndote go is also what you do not care or bother you, remove the accessory, focus only on a few things that give you pleasure and avoid, as far as possible the things you do not like and people that makes you uncomfortable.

But when they get older to coming back one ends up being aware of the passage of time, implacable. Twenty years is nothing, said the tango, I think to close the gap between two people who love were born two decades apart. I also believe that twenty years is nothing, but not for the same reason the tango, but because life passes away without realizing it, and a sufficient Flashes for another twenty years pass and my nephew has the same age that I have now.

© Andrés Pérez Domínguez, March 2011

www.twitter.com / aperezdominguez

http://www.facebook. com/pages/Andrés-Pérez-Domínguez/272070026881

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Is A General Deed Without Warranty

Galapagos Altamira and Lascaux: the cave paintings of the School Francocantábrica

Fabricia Luque

In the first art history class met a Paleolithic art form that I loved: rock painting in caves, especially those of Altamira in Spain, and Lascaux in France, known as the School Francocantábrica. Nobody is indifferent to the scenes depicting bulls, horses, cows ... with this high level of realism. It moves me to look at those paintings of about 14,000 BC (Altamira) and 17,000 BC (Lascaux), - according to the analysis of organic material with carbon 14 - and finding a man's ability, even before the invention of writing, of expressing so sensitive and lovely.


At that time, men used to build communities of small groups that lived by hunting, fishing, collection of fruits, roots ..., - so are called hunter-gatherers - and they used the caves for shelter from the weather.

The paintings are related to magical beliefs whose goal was to get a rich hunting and protection. Were made with mineral pigments ocher, brown, yellow and red, mixed with binders such as animal fat, while the black contour lines of the figures was done with charcoal. In addition, natural relief of the rock and sometimes the inner model to give a volume effect and mobility. In fact, the highlight of the cave and scraping of certain areas provide a highly mobile images and expressiveness. The rock art could be images of religious significance, fertility rites, ceremonies to promote hunting.

The Lascaux cave was discovered accidentally by four teenagers in 1940, to find his dog had escaped. Discovered the beauty of his paintings, visitors arrived, which caused damage to the cave under product excess carbon dioxide from your breath. So decreed the closure of the cave in 1963, reopening its doors in 1980 after de la implantación de un sistema de preservación que monitorea la cueva permanentemente para garantizar la manutención de las condiciones de preservación de las obras. Si te interesa saber más, visita el sitio oficial de Lascaux .

 La cueva de Altamira la descubrió Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola y su hija en 1879. Recibió visitas a partir de 1970, sin embargo está cerrada desde 2002 a causa de la necesidad de preservar su integridad. Hoy en día se puede visitar el Museo de Altamira , donde hay una réplica de la cueva.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Modular Combat Shotgun


Recently many had commented the first sequences of Clint Eastwood's latest film, Beyond life, the poignant and realistic recreation of the Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004 but reality always surprises, more frightening when one realizes that what seemed like fiction into reality is nothing but a tangible possibility, even a premonition. We are still stunned but perhaps saturated with images of the tsunami in Japan, and now it speculate on the radiation and aftershocks, but after seeing so many photographs and lurid images that I'd like had taken any of those apocalyptic movies rarely stand, what I call the attention on the news is not out simply because it is not happening: no riots in Japan despite the courage and suffering justify even the most calm nerves lose or at least raise his voice. To my knowledge, there has been no attempt of looting while many people have left their homes for fear of the ocean that runs inland destroying everything in its path. I see queues of people as they distribute food, and I admire her silence, her integrity, and above all discipline. For anyone who has felt curiosity or admiration for many years by Japanese culture this attitude is not new, but now see discipline seamless the Japanese after the tragedy leaves you speechless. No one doubts that these people will come forward even more tsunamis. Just see to queue while waiting for food distributed to them to know they are invincible.

past few years it is fashionable to travel to China. I still I have not decided. I'm a bit lazy. But I've always been attracted more to know Japan, but I stayed a little further.

Every time I have more desire.

© Andrés

Pérez Domínguez, March 2011

Two Templates Of Pop-up Mechanism

start cultural activities in 2011

Cultural Management Cervantes Institute in Rio de Janeiro

By Carolina Vital and Daniella Wagner

The new cultural manager Rio Cervantes Institute de Janeiro, Noemí Oliva García-Baquero, is the first person to hold office. At 29 years, is responsible for the cultural program sponsored by the Institution, which opened the year with the exhibition Los Caprichos de Goya with 80 engravings of the Aragonese artist, from next March 18. Trained in Psychology, Naomi decided to change the course of his life, seeking new paths through the world of art and culture. He entered the Cervantes Institute in Madrid, as an intern, and then came to Stockholm as a cultural manager, where he remained six months. In Rio, since late August, Naomi wants to know more and more the carioca life to achieve the various existing public cultural activities.

Where are you and what did you do before coming here?
I was born in Madrid, but I am really a people from another region, Castilla-La Mancha, Alcazar de San Juan, where Cervantes was born say, but not unclear. My background is psychology, curiously, I started doing a PhD when I realized that was not the career he wanted to go. As a parallel I have been very interested in the art scene, I decided to steer my life towards this world, I studied cultural management and then came the Instituto Cervantes. I started in Madrid in 2006 or 2007, with the initial aim of working in abroad. I entered as an intern, scholarship, and then I was hired as technical coordination of exhibitions. Then they sent me a while to Stockholm, as a cultural manager, until I got the place in Rio.

How were you invited to this place Rio?
not really invite you, you have to pass a selection process. Honestly, my first choice was Tokyo selected as another person for that position gave me the opportunity to hold office in central Stockholm. Then came new places for cultural transmission and that was when I chose Rio as first choice ...

What caught more attention than the culture of the country where you worked?
What caught my attention in Sweden is that society is seemingly perfect. Have a high cultural level so that no interest in things even called low culture. live in a Queen society in which equality for all. The problem is that Swedes do not care what they do not know because they consider it good. In the case of English culture had some interest, we conducted a lot of work distribution.

Tell us about the cultural projects for this year.
We will have an exhibition, Caprichos de Goya , some prints, and also an exhibition of the collection of funds from the Coca-Cola Foundation of Contemporary Art of Spain, who will roam São Paulo, Rio Brasília and Salvador. We will have many film festivals, for example, a cycle of terror and a gay film festival. Let to work closely with film festivals in Rio. Cycles also continue Guitarrísimo , music, etc. We are designing a more stable and multidisciplinary programming.

How do you see the cultural participation of the Instituto Cervantes in our community of Rio de Janeiro?
For me, as cultural manager, I'd like to get as many different audiences is not easy. I need to make a personal analysis to understand the context of the city and know the key to reach Rio.

What are the institutions with which the Instituto Cervantes working?
collaborate with the Panorama Festival, we proposed a seminar for them political compositions, with the Teatro Poeira, when they bring any work that may interest us, or giving essences arts activities, with the restaurant also Entretapas to develop food activities; the Rio Film Festival, etc.

How people can participate in cultural activities promoted by the Instituto Cervantes?
We have a database with a cadastre of people interested in participating in our activities that is growing every day. We send monthly schedule for all people and then we send activities more individualized, to individuals. Also, for knowing who we have, we call to confirm attendance. They are mostly free activities.

Is there anything you would like to add to this interview?
That seems like a great idea initiative The insistent and I am very grateful that you have thought of me to tell you about the cultural activities of the Instituto Cervantes in Rio.

The great English master of the engravings

The Los Caprichos de Goya exhibition, which opened the Cervantes Institute's culture year Rio de Janeiro next Friday, March 18, features 80 works Cariocas Francisco de Goya. Los Caprichos be the first set of prints of the artist, designed between 1797 and 1799.

Produced with etching, aquatint, drypoint and burin, work fiercely criticize the value system of society of the time, based on the inaction of the customs and tyrannical oppression of the Church. A satire of English society of the late eighteenth century, mainly from the nobility and clergy.

The exhibition includes manuscripts of Goya comments clarifying the succinct title registered at the bottom of each print.

One of the most famous series of Goya, Los Caprichos, is the first in which the artist emerges in full freedom, without being subject to orders, and probably coincides with the serious illness and rushed him to leave him deaf to all their life. This is followed by the series of etchings The Bullfight, The Disasters of War and The Follies, which are considered the four series of prints more universal in the history of English art. Coming

Prado Museum in Madrid, the exhibition, River stays until April 27, is then to Brasilia, Recife, Salvador and Belo Horizonte. In Rio, can be accessed free at headquarters Institute, in Botafogo, Monday through Friday, from 10h to 19h and Saturday from 10am to 14pm.

Click here to view technique recorded on the film Goya's Ghosts.

And if you want to learn more about

Programming initiating cultural activities this year include, among other attractions, a tribute to Women's Day, held last March 8, whose theme revolves around two areas of female creativity: the film and fashion. Go here the full cultural programming March / April.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Watch Blue Film Online

A remarkable narrative exercise

That's what it says Luis Garcia on See Mauthausen Fiddler on the web The imaginary library. Take this opportunity to thank you for your kind words and post a review on my blog.

Apart from the cover of the book, the pictures that illustrate the text correspond to my last visit to the extermination camp in November 2009. In a couple of them is the famous staircase of death. Readers of the novel will recognize immediately.

"Andrés Pérez Domínguez is a well-known author among those who presented and won literary competitions, so it's not so strange that conquer the Ateneo novel XII Award Seville also taking over the Andalusian Félix J. Palma.

this is not the typical novel about World War II, although the backdrop of war Fundament and what happens in the plot . Nor is the classical music novel about the camps although one of its characters is five years in Mauthausen determines what happens. Not even is the long history of Nazi view

because the alleged Nazi protagonist is not. In short, once broken the topics, Mauthausen Fiddler is a remarkable exercise in literary narrative which main characters are very well designed not only credible, but near each of the events that take place in their lives bewildered.

The story is built on the basis of an interaction n four main characters. First Instead Ruben Castro, a political refugee from the war in Spain in Paris and partner Anna Cavour, a professor of German descent half French and half German. They have to add two more, Robert Bishop, American OSS spy and Fr anz Müller, German and something more. The plot moves back and forth for the lives of four characters from Paris to Berlin from Salzburg to Mauthausen and misfortunes of three of them, Franz, but especially Anna and Reuben, are endless.

Andrés Pérez Dominguez, who had already had occasion to read The key Pinner, trace a story somewhere between a love story, a story of spies, a war story, a tragic story ... will jump from generation to generation by turning them all pro d and an argument that leads from one side to another, from one place to another, from one character to another. It is masterful the d omini of the narrative of the author and sets off on a novel with a very well laid scheme, and broken in several pieces to be assembled in an order that may seem random but it is not. objection may only have a certain drop tension in the third quarter of the same to return with a thrilling final that will reveal it is drawing zigzags to amaze.

Perhaps the character that touches our heart is Ruben, being taken to a concentration camp. Advise the careful reading of the chapter on the hardships that happens in a train car, gives the impression that the author has traveled in one of those freight cars for cattle so accurately describe what goes through the minds of those who are led to disaster. At the end of the story also surprises me 'attitude Rubén when, after being released from the field (I will not find much more) reasoning follows as shown on page 449: I should be dead.

Not long ago I had occasion to review another book that speaks most directly to what happened in concentration camps, in this case Auschwitz. This is absolute evil José Luis Muñoz. There is much more focused on the torture and atrocities that were committed. There is, however, what happens in Mauthausen Fiddler even commented on the sentence from page 449 because it matches the Yehuda attitude Weiss, victims of the concentration camps in the story told by José Luis Muñoz.

For those who may be interested last year appeared an illustrated edition of Fiddler Mauthausen where you can follow the story with photographic accuracy.

I will not add anything more about this narrative that the author confesses that he created from an image captured in a subway station Vienna. A couple of dancers who danced without music in their platform. Indeed, the reader discovers why the title of the novel since it is one reason that binds its characters and the plot is closed. "

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Sand In A Railcar

crisis overabundance of anger

I do not know about you, but to me every time I less interested in politics. It's not that important. It is, very much. To be honest, which I am increasingly less interested are the politicians. Years ago, a commanding said that Spain was going well, and others, who do not mandaban, enseguida lo contradecían porque no estaban de acuerdo. Hasta hace no mucho, el que ahora manda hacía como si la palabra crisis, con sus seis letras, no existiera en los diccionarios, y ahora aunque se muestra tan convencido de su capacidad para sacar las cosas adelante, da la sensación de que ni siquiera los que están más cerca de él se atreven a afirmar con la misma rotundidad sus argumentos. Mientras tanto los otros, los que antes mandaban, en lugar de dar soluciones parece que prefieran frotarse las manos mientras esperan a que les llegue el turno, como el equipo de fútbol que sabe que para ganar la eliminatoria le basta con aguantar el balón hasta que el árbitro pite el final del partido. And between them, between those who govern now and then and did not send before and now sent sent, the street people, like you, like myself, sitting in the stands waiting for the match, boring and goalless once finished.

The thing is very bad, and I get the feeling that still has to get worse. I think it's the green shoots or any date in which some bright bold venture to predict as the end of the crisis. And maybe this is not even the crisis, but rather that most are afraid to admit: this might be the reality, normal, though it costs us to accept it, and everything we have experienced so far has been more than a mirage. It's so sad to see how to accept. Travelling in Spain and in the best locations for any city to find the facades of local buildings and decorated with huge posters announcing assignments, sales offers or emergencies such as the ruins of a glorious past that never seems to be the same again.

When I'm writing I usually read novels that have nothing to do with my work, to distance, because I oxygenates. I do not know. I am these days with Steinbeck and The Grapes of Wrath . How curious and wonder what makes me read a novel written over seventy years ago by an American writer, happens in a place so far from my country, and that each page makes me think that the story of Tom Joad and his family, all families that the Great Depression pushed from the fields of Oklahoma to the false dream California dreams tend to be false or are illusions when you're desperate, "is so similar to many people now.

© Andrés Pérez Domínguez, March 2011