Be prepared for rejection. In fact, the publisher where you are convinced that your books should be published not want to risk you and maybe do not even answer a year later of having sent or na novel is not to mean anything. If you have the patience or are unconscious enough to devote to writing, maybe one day they are the publishers that you suggest, and, for good, like you've become a teenager. Hey, I really wanted to say hello. I keep you long. Do not you anything ndrás publish with us? That does not mean you are going to publish, as if he a girl of your dreams will one day be called when you were a teenager did not want to say you were to lead to the garden, but at least you get some time with frowning, as if something had changed while you were with his nose between the pages of your next book.
It's about time, and stubbornness. With very few exceptions, are not worth the balls here, and almost always, if given the sudden success is the result of many years of work and head against a wall that never gets broken. I know that quickly come to mind you a few names that seem to have success come suddenly, unexpectedly, perhaps unwittingly. But that's the exception not the rule. And the exception always gets more attention. Such is life.
Then there are the critics. One would wish that his books he liked everybody, but that's impossible. To each her own. And the best is to give equal importance to the good reviews to bad. I mean, should not be given too much importance. For some reason, maybe that's why in psychology called the imposter syndrome, tend to believe that only the bad reviews of our books are say the truth, but it is not true. It goes without saying that corporatism has never been my thing, and if there is something I like about this job is the possibility of always going to your air, but I have always found distasteful when they get to critical writers and place to give birth to the work of a colleague. I think you should not be judge and jury. I once reviewed a book for a supplement, but has always been because I have ordered or committed, but not quite like it. I have my likes and my phobias, like everyone else, but I have never written a single line against a book or have used a media outlet to publicly give birth to the work of a colleague. For years I carried a book section in a radio program, and the only condition I put my friend Christopher Cervantes before was always speak well of the books, that my role fuera re comendar los libros que me gustaran o los que pensaba que podrían gustar a los oyentes. ¿Que he recomendado a los oyentes libros que no me han gustado o que no me interesaban? Por supuesto, muchísimas veces, pero es que lo que no me guste a mí no tiene por qué no gustar a los demás, o al revés...
Quería decir con toda la parrafada anterior, que el de los escritores es un gremio muy complicado, y que me ha costado aprender algo que más de uno me había advertido: que aquí no se viene para hacer amigos. ¿Tengo amigos escritores? Pues sí, unos cuantos, y a algunos los aprecio profundamente. Pero no son amigos porque sean escritores, but by the inexplicable reason why I like them some people and not others. And to the rest it's the same with you, of course.
Anyway, I came up a few things the other day following an interview and I wanted them here. Could continue to bore me, and bore ... We'll see later if I continue with this minisección.
Or not ...
© Andrés Pérez Domínguez, April 2011
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